Thursday, April 28, 2005
Tomorrow morning 3rD paPer. BusIness sTats. Should go well ba.
Going to an agency with my classmetes tomorrow for some work. MONEY!!! $_$ posted by gonnie at 10:09 PM
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
ToMorrow's 2nd paPer. IntrOductorY to AccouNting. Dreaded paper. ><
Yesterdae's Econs papEr I dId aloT of caReless mistAkes. But heY is oVer lIaoz so nvM lo. Sianz..I onLy fiNished my eXams nExt wEdnesday...I thouGht tUesdAy..wOnder wHat aM I goinG to do fOr my hoLidays. Work anYone? :Pp posted by gonnie at 8:39 PM
Sunday, April 24, 2005
I will haVe my 1st pAper tomoRrow. Diaoz..aFter so lOng, I finaLly going to haVe a maJor eXams~!
Macroecons paPer. Start frOm 10am to 1215pm. I will eMbracE it, hUg it, lOve it...then..dEstroY it once and fOr aLl....tomOrrow is the daY... posted by gonnie at 6:49 PM
Thursday, April 14, 2005
Lol...been a mOnth since I posted!!! Isnt that mArvellous..Ho ho Ho. My 'DuN waN to poSt' virus came attAcking me. Sorry gUys hee. Lots of stUff hAppened this 1 monTh...eArthquaKes, announcement of cLementi bus-interchange renovating...cAsinos in SG...increAsed of movIes tiCkets pricing... My classmates say I am handicapped..that is, LAME.. and not serious...Y not? I like to other pple laugh and smile and happy. Me, myself is a happy go lucky piece of matter on earth. Nevertheless my class is quite fuN. Well..mayb because of me, buT need pple to tolerate my coknEss ma. -_- I am goIng back to the soCcer session I droPped when I started mY NS. Well..actually I already went bAck to it 3 weEks :pP nIce, shiok, cooL, tiRed, pAin..!! Also I weNt bAck to Ragnarok OnLine a month ago...who want to joIn me? Penril serVer nia hehehehe. My 1st exams will be coMing up in a couple of weEks time. 1st Major examS since I graduated from polYtechnic 2.5yrs ago. Classes has already stopped. Stress man. Aiming for high reSults.... :(( bUt I fear I cant moVe on to sem. 2...I found out I cant stUdy at home!! Feel slack and lazY when at home..neEd to go to sChool to stUdy. Have not toucHed my inStrument for ages..die..not bEen practising lOr...will go back for regular practisIng aFter my eXams... I neEd woRk...aNyone of you have opeNings? Tell me man. I dun wan to get bored to deatH during my holiDays. Come come gip me worK!! Not no paId woRk..wAnt cash..COLD HARD CASH.. Not been catching mOvies for aLmost 4 monthS..that is, ever since I starTed scHool. And now, the pricing is going up by a doLlar...which is..9.50SGD....kaoZ. It sounds like X. Heard that cineleisure is not changing the price. Oh man, its always been everyone will flock to cineleiSure for their weekend shows. Right, wish me luck for my coming exams. Well, all up to me..wishing wun work anyway..lalalala Exams schedule: 25th APril Macroecons (haven even touched...) 27th ApRil Introductory Acct. (killer whale...) 29th AprIl Business Stats (time kiLLer) 4th or 5th MaY (forgot lazy to check..) Business Computing (black killer horse mayb..) posted by gonnie at 10:05 PM