Saturday, July 24, 2004
"My conductress and I have come to a conclusion that our Tanglin Alumni Band Membership only opens to those students who were under us before. So I would like to thank these 3 ex-stdents who came for these 2 practices. Our Alumni band is a young band as we just started off, so we might invite you back when it has taken off for some time. At the mean time, we will not inform you about the practices anymore."
Floods of different emotions (anger, sadness, disbelieve, disappointment) flowed through me. Everything juz suddenly go blank..all I can focus was on the guy sitting infront toking. To put it simply, my batch of frenz and I were sacked from the alumni band. Did I juz say sacked? Yes we were simply, to put it crudely, sacked. From the alumni band. Mustering and pushing my emotions away, I juz smiled when the TIC told me the reasons. And thus I found out my self control was kinda not bad. Absoultely marvellous. Superb. And I was outta of the alumni band juz like that. Pooh! Juz like magic. Though I might be a lot of things, I do hope the current alumnis will bring the band to greater heights. All the best TAB!! posted by gonnie at 3:12 AM