Wednesday, August 04, 2004
Damned tired today. For a long time, I had not been playing soccer. My fitness is in bad condition. Started to feel tired after a couple of runs. After the match, my left thigh cramped...Not enough exercise/warmup ><...That's the price of slack life.
It has been very hot these days. I am been drinking alot of water. But I still cant quench my thirst. Juz yesterday, I drowned 1.5l (3bottles) of water. That made me go to the toliet VERY often...Argg why dunch it rain~! Found out I cant attend the Thailand band concert on 11th August cause of a sudden add on of a AOH vetting. Damned wasted. Heard from my fren that they were superbly good. And they will be playing 3rd symphony. Unlucky.. A credential guards will be held tomorrow. Band B will be doing it. I hate credential guards parade. Long waiting time plus super hot sun plus 3-4 VIPs to play for. Friday GOH at mindef. Again is Band B job. Busy man..busy.. posted by gonnie at 6:14 PM