Monday, May 09, 2005
Been reading The Da Vinci Code duRing the weekend. 2nd time reading it. Well..its great, worth a 2nd sHot. Anyway I went to check out some stuff abt tHis book this time in the InternEt. Look at the paintings by Da Vinci. I also came across the Ambigrams. Very interesting wOrd arts. Words that can be read upsiDe down, across and 1 word which contAin another word. Drop by this webby for more interesting facts abt Ambigrams. Ambigrams are featured in the book Angels and Demons.
I read countless books. Most of them more than once. Yup. I reRead some of the moRe appEalling ones. I like fantasy and selective thrillers. And I also read 武俠/科幻小說. I dun really liKe deTective or hOrror books. Some of my favourite/frequent authors are John Grisham, Michael Crichton, Dan Brown, David Eddings and Piers Anthony. I went down to SP this afTernooN. Yup. Practising. 2pm to 6pm man. Hardcore. But then is really fullfiling..hey is mY intErest mah oO...Saw many neW faces. THis means I am getting older...Why? Because as the yEars passed, those who I known would have slowly graduated.. :Pp Anyway I will go down again oN Wednesday to practise again. Anyway SP Band Musical Delights is cOming. This sunday 15th May at VCH 1730hRs. Tickets at 12 and 15 dollars. Add-on: Found out one of my friends also did Ambigrams and they are cool!! Visit this and this too. posted by gonnie at 10:33 PM